Supplements and Strategies That Help Reduce Fear and Anxiety in Uncertain Pandemic Times
As the COVID19 pandemic health crisis turns into days, weeks and months many people are becoming scared, fearful, overwhelmed and panicking about their days, months and future ahead, as they become increasingly more nervous about what lies ahead for them.
Given these dire and unprecedented circumstance, in this totally unchartered territory we all find ourselves in, we are all trying to scramble to make some sense of it all, as well as our minds and bodies trying to evaluate, process and respond to our current difficult circumstances.
This is putting a great deal of pressure on our nervous system and our bodies are constantly being put into ‘fight or flight’ mode.
This is a normal response when we find ourselves in circumstance we have not been in before.
However, if our bodies are constantly in fight and flight mode this overtime has a negative impact on our body, mind and emotions.
So, I am going to share some supplements and strategies that can help your body better deal with this uncomfortable and upsetting situation we are all currently in.
This is by no means an exhaustive list of options as that would fill pages, which is a good thing as that means you have many positive options to try.
It is just a good place to start to help yourself and your body get through this with minimal negative impact.
At the moment I am seeing three different groups of stressed clients.
It will be helpful for you if you can identify which group you feel you are currently in and look to implement the strategies I offer.
First group of people are:
- Doing their best to cope with the stress
- Being optimistic about their future
- Having positive conversations
- Looking for the good in their current environment
- Implementing helpful strategies to their day’s routine
- Avoid watching news 24/7
If this is, you I recommend:
- Nurturing your nervous system with relaxation techniques that you enjoy.
- Breathe deeply and consciously several times a day .
- Help others around you who may be struggling, this helps affirm your positivity.
- Increase magnesium in your food intake, bathe in it and add in a supplement form.
Benefits of magnesium include:
- Regulates your nervous system
- Relaxes stressed muscles
- Converts food into energy
- Helps you sleep better
The second group are:
- Are feeling confused and bewildered
- Their minds are racing
- They shallow breathe a lot
- They feel nervous about their future
- They talk a lot about the current events
- They are tired but don’t sleep well
If this is you I recommend:
- Look to focus on what is good in your life right now
- Express gratitude for what you have, this helps calm your mind
- Do some gentle exercise everyday, this promotes the release of your healthy hormones.
- Increase or add magnesium into your body
- Look to treat your adrenals
Benefits of adrenal tonics include:
- Improves your ability to cope with stress
- Increases your energy
- Calms your body
- Soothes your nervous system
The third group are:
- Are constantly overwhelmed by their current situation
- Experience erratic emotions
- Feel exhausted
- Watch the news constantly and are stressed by what they hear and see.
If this is you I recommend:
- Limit your exposure to the news, instead read and watch uplifting news.
- Seek out professional help who can help balance your perspective.
- Focus daily on your health and wellbeing by implementing positive actions in your life, like the above options
- Surround your self with positive, happy and healthy people and lean on them for your day to day support.
- Depending on medications supplement with nervines (herbs that support the nervous system):
Ashwagandha, Lemon Balm, Lavender and Skullcap to name a few
The benefits are:
- You are accepting that you need help and are doing something positive about your situation
- You aim to refocus your attention on the good in the world
- You support and treat your nervous system while it is struggling
- You are implementing positive strategies
I feel privileged to be able to help my clients in this current turbulent and unsettling time of our lives.
I urge you now, more than ever, to nurture yourself first and then if you have the strength and capacity help others to do the same.
This is how we will beat this virus and chaos by pulling together and helping each other.
I am offering free 15-minute health consultations to help you implement helpful strategies best suited to your current needs and issues.
Yours in Health and Wellness. Stay strong out there.