Why you’re so hungry two hours after breakfast.
You had breakfast, so why is your stomach growling and it’s not even 10 a.m.? It’s not all that mental energy you’re expending at the office – it’s your breakfast – and I’d recommend an overhaul.
One of the most common food complaints I hear from clients is that even when they’ve had breakfast, they’re hungry and hour or two afterwards, and they cant’ figure out why.
Well, what exactly did you have for breakfast? If it was a typical, seemingly “healthy” breakfast like yogurt and fruit, a pressed juice, granola or bran muffins, it wasn’t breakfast, it was dessert! A first-thing in the morning sugar bomb that is spiking and crashing your blood sugar levels, leaving you with hunger pangs and a growling belly. In other words, a breakfast that’s heavy on sugar and carbs won’t keep you full for long.
My advice to stay properly fueled and satiated all morning is to ditch the sugars and carbs for protein and healthy fats. One of the easiest ways to do this is to have a breakfast smoothie – with protein powder – something I do every day.
Isowhey’s s Protein powders support healthy energy levels, fight fatigue, strengthen the immune system, build lean muscle mass and aid in post workout recovery. Jam packed with amino acids- the building blocks of life – they make an easy canvas for creating a nutritious meal.
So don’t suffer with hunger any more. Start your day right with a serve of optimal protein.